Our Services

At Occupational Therapy Services Melbourne we provide services to children of all ages.


Self Care

  • Everyday activities such as dressing,

  • Bathing

  • Toileting

  • Eating

  • Sleep routine

  • Making breakfast/lunch

  • Zips/buttons

  • Brushing teeth

  • Bimanual therapy

  • Tying shoelaces


Play And Social Development

  • Social skill development including understanding social cues

  • Turn taking

  • Gross motor skills required for engaging in leisure or sporting activities

  • Proprioception (awareness of body positioning and how we move

  • Motor planning

  • Hand-eye coordination

  • Emotional regulation

  • Sensory processing and modulation (how an individual interprets sensory information from the environment). Sensory processing can impact on the way a person interacts with their environment whether it is at school or while engaging in self-care.


School Skills

  • Fine motor skill development

  • Handwriting /pencil grip

  • Cutting

  • Following instructions and improving concentration

  • Organisational skills and routines

  • Sequencing

  • Planning

  • Visual perceptual processing (the way in which a person’s brain makes sense of what their eyes see)

  • Confidence and self-esteem

  • Emotional regulation